. . . Reflecting on ACKS

So, we’re four sessions in to our Dwimmermount game using the Adventurer, Conqueror, King System. (Latest session report here: https://sites.google.com/site/manglingacks/home/campaign-journal/session412915#) Here are some random thoughts I have on what we’ve seen so far: * Old-school leveling is tough, especially for new-school players. The player running Sydow the cleric is having a particularly tough time with how unspecialized his […]

. . . Preparing to Judge ACKS

So, the Manglers had their second session in Dwimmermount last night. A record of the action in the second session can be found here. In this post, I wanted to share a bit about what I’ve done to prepare for this campaign beyond reading the campaign setting and trying to understand the rules. One of the first […]

. . . Creating ACKS characters for Dwimmermount

So, the Rotgut Manglers have recently started a new campaign set in Dwimmermount using Adventurer, Conqueror, King System. We’ve never played this rules set before, but we like the way it looks. Our first session was mainly about character creation; although we were able to play a little at the end. I was a little surprised at how long […]